Hello World!
To introduce myself, my name is Meghan, but you can call me Mego or Meg, or hey you, or crazy girl...
This blog is dedicated to one of my many rantings and randoms about people and things I love - and so I have decided to create a blog based on some of them - at least some for now. I am creating a blog posting specifically for an idea I have - and I want as many people nationwide and all over the world - to share with me their stories.
I have been a Hanson fan since 1997, and since that time, growing up, I have always looked at them as inspiration and motivation in my life. Everyone around me thought they were just 3 blond long haired guys who had high pitched voices and thought they were a joke, and to me, they were no joke, they were much more than that.
At that time frame, I was in junior high, and everything was topsy turvy in my life, and quite honestly, Isaac, Taylor and Zac helped me through one of the hardest times, they motivated me to see beyond my bedroom walls - for the potential I could have if I just took a chance and got out there and tried things I was interested in, rather than wallow in my own depression. They made me laugh and gave me energy just listening to their songs, or seeing them act silly in interviews, and it made me realize that these guys, from the middle of nowhere - just like me, same age range as me, were out doing exactly what they loved, and were successful at it - and it made me realize that's what I needed to figure out as well.
Since that time frame - I made a decision to take control of my life, find my creativity and once I got to high school, college for theatre production and communications, and now studying for my master's degree in filmmaking - it has been one amazing and interesting ride.
In November 2007, I had the opportunity to attend my very first Hanson concert, at age 23 - and it was unforgettable, I was even able to meet Isaac briefly for a picture haha but after 11 years - those 3 guys from the middle of nowhere inspired me to see that there are bigger things - and that helping others, motivating and inspiring others is something very special.
Not only has their music evolved with each album - but them individually as Isaac Hanson, Taylor Hanson, and Zac Hanson as people, musicians, brothers, co-workers, business-men, husbands, fathers - and not only that but seeing them volunteer their time for worldwide causes, trying to make a difference in the world, and having their fans be a part of that, is a pretty cool thing!
So now being in film school - I have an amazing opportunity, to be able to thank the guys by doing a very fun project - or at least begin a very potentially fun project! And this where we are now...I want to hear from all of the Hanson fans of the world - your stories, simple or complex, fun or emotional, fans (from 97, or even recent ones) and NON-fans alike what you think about the guys - why you love them, hate them - or just have a fun story about them - I'd love to hear your stories!
So the reason I'm doing this is because I want to collect info for my idea - and if you would like to be part of the idea please let me know! Within the next months I will be trying to setup meetings and interviews in the Los Angeles and Southwest Texas areas if possible - and I would love any comments from any of you that create video posts as well!
I will creating a series of blogs - each with a new question or series of questions so my first question is this...
Why are you a Hanson fan?
I would love to be involved!
Like you, I have been a fan from the beginning.
Do you want a typed story/video?
Either one - if u have video, that would be awesome. What I'd like to do is use any posts, videos (with permission of course) to be able to use - so either one, I'd love to know! I'm excited! lol
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